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Chemistry - Molar Mass

By Thundercloud Consulting, LLC

Apple App Store: Unrated


Our Rating: 2.5 stars


A chemical substance may consist of atoms of a single element or of different elements. The molar mass of an element is the mass per mole of its atoms. The molar mass of a compound is the mass per mole of its molecules. The molar mass of an ionic compound is mass per mole of its formula units.


To calculate the molar mass of a substance we add up the individual molar masses of the constituent atoms.


To use this calculator enter a chemical formula and tap OK, or alternatively, select a sample molecule from the menu. For example, if you needed the molar mass of sulfuric acid you would enter H2SO4. 


1. Easy to use calculator.

2. Provides basic information on certain compounds.  


1. No other function.

2. Only compatible with iPad.

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