CM2111 Inorganic Chemistry 2
Structure and properties of solids; coordination chemistry: nomenclature, stability constants and isomerism.
The aim of the application is to allow the user to zoom below the surface of three example elements and to explore their differing crystal structures. As the user zooms under the surface of the beautiful images, the aggregated structure flows into view, then falls away to reveal the underlying crystal structure.
Key features:
•Complete JEE syllabus covering all sections
•Lessons Prepared by IIT/NIT Topper
•Question Bank
•Mock tests
Formulae is a great app for when you want to study on the go, or you're just a little forgetful with all those important equations! Contains chemistry and maths content, including functional groups, named reactions (including mechanisms) and, of course, loads of equations!
Mobile HyperChem
Our rating: 3.5 stars

This free version allows you to create, display, and manipulate molecular structures. The molecular systems created on the device are rendered in a variety of ways and can be conveniently rotated, translated, zoomed, etc. The iPhone or iPad Touch version is essentially the same as the iPad version except that it allows fewer elements and is restricted to organic molecules.
This app provides all definition, concept and notes required for college chemistry students. A great app for quick revision of whole chemistry within 30 minutes and it contains all important concepts, reactions, formulae and more. Topics that are covered include physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry.
Trendy Chem is an app designed to help chemistry students learn about periodic trends and atomic structure. It has a built-in proprietary algorithm that generates random questions each time so that the user can keep practicing. Moreover, the user can review all the questions at the end of a session with the correct answers to study. This app provides main features such as: 1) Ranking elements based on periodic trends. 2) Study section that provides key information to mastering atomic structures and periodic trends. 3) Finding the number of electrons, neutrons, and protons for various elements. 4) Practice determining the periodic family for an element. 5) Practice building stable atoms based on certain build requirements.
Quick Elements offers rapid access to information on the elements useful for anyone in the sciences and engineering. There are four periodic tables that summarize a variety of information including different groups, class, representative elements and orbital blocks. In the app, separate screens for all 118 elements which provide 22 specific types of data are available. Access to that data is provided by a searchable list of elements that the user can organize by atomic number, symbol, or name. Element property data such as atomic, chemical, mechanical and physical properties can also be found in the app.
“3D Sym Op” is an educational app designed to visualise the symmetry elements and operations on molecules of various point groups.